Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Moroccan Chicken with Apricots and Almonds

I adapted the recipe from this site: http://moroccanfood.about.com/od/beeflambandgoatrecipes/r/tagine_apricots.htm.

Basically I stuck to all the ingredients (except for using chicken breasts instead of beef or lamb), but tried to imitate the tagine by using my crock-pot. So, basically, I sliced 1 onion, put it in the crock-pot, then threw in my chicken (I did cut it into big chunks and I used 4 breasts. 5 would be fine, too!), then some finely chopped onion, garlic, the oils, 21/2 cups of water, cilantro, all the spices except for the honey, cinnamon, almonds and apricots. I set my crock-pot to high, covered the whole thing, and 2.5 hours later I added the cinnamon, apricots, almonds and honey. I think the only thing I would have done differently is maybe use a little less water (maybe just 2 cups) or let it cook without the lid, so it boils down more. Oh, and I added some cardamon to the whole thing (maybe 1 teaspoon). Anyway, basically, I just threw everything in the crock-pot at once, and added the apricots and nuts half way into it. The result? A super-delicious, richly flavorful and easy meal. Henry wanted to bathe in it. And I ate way too much as well. Sophia liked it, too.

I added couscous as a side dish. Aldi happened to sell it this week, so I had a pre-flavored, ready-in-5-minutes side to go with this. We used garlic and olive oil flavored couscous. I'm sure you can find something like that anywhere, and I highly recommend it as a side. Rice would work, too but it's just not quite as authentic (or flavorful in this case). You can also just buy normal couscous and boil it in whatever broth you like (I'd recommend veggie broth).


  1. So, did you end up buying the expensive saffron or using something else?

  2. I just left it out, and it still tasted great. But I dreamed about buying the saffron.

  3. Did you add the cinnamon stick at the beginning or at the halfway point? Or did you just add it with the honey and apricots?
